Tag Archives: Sucks

It sucks…. ’nuff said

5 Apr

“Why haven’t you reviewed a book lately?”

I’ve been reading very often but I haven’t really liked many books. That means most of the books I’ve read have, in my own humble opinion, sucked.

The problem I find with a lot of books that don’t move me in any way is that I can’t really find words to describe why I hated it. It’s just something I know, not something I can analyze easily. This has ended up with me attempting to review it, only to end up with the words “idk, it just sucked” on my computer screen.

I will try, in my future, to write more reviews but you’ve got to understand that with me and my shallow brain, it’s gotten to be either “I liked it” or “it sucked”.

More reviews will hopefully come when I find more adjectives to describe my simple likes and dislikes.
